Monday, 24 March 2025

1972, Car Spotting: Van Asch Van Wijckskade, Utrecht, Netherlands

Front to back

First row, left to right
Ford Transit (Mark I), Volkswagen 1500 (Type 3, Saloon), unidentified car probably Peugeot 404.

Second row, left to right
Unidentified car probably Fiat, Renault R6, Fiat 128, Ford (Taunus) 12M (P6), BMW 02 Series, Fiat 500, Opel Rekord C, Ford Zephyr / Zodiac Mark IV, Opel Kadett B.

Third row, left to right
Unidentified car, Ford Escort (Mk I), Citroën 2CV, Citroën 2CV.

Fourth row, left to right
Citroën 2CV, Citroën 2CV, Citroën Ami 6 van, Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Beetle, Type 1), Opel Kadett B, Ford Taunus L (TC), Peugeot 404, Peugeot 204, Ford (Taunus) 12M/15M Turnier (P6), Opel Kadett A.

Friday, 21 March 2025

1971, Television: "Sarge"

"Sarge" premiered on September 21, 1971, on the American television channel NBC (National Broadcasting Company). The American television series, created by David Levy, was produced by Universal Television and Harbour Productions. A total of 14 episodes, each 44 minutes long, were broadcast from September 21, 1971, to January 11, 1972. The series was preceded by a pilot titled "Sarge: The Badge or the Cross" (February 22, 1971 airdate).

George Kennedy as Father Samuel Patrick Cavanaugh aka "Sarge"
George Kennedy as Father Samuel Patrick Cavanaugh aka "Sarge",
Harold Sakata as Kenji Takichi and Sallie Shockley as Valerie
Ramon Bieri as Lt. Barney Verick

A former homicide detective turned priest in San Diego uses his law enforcement experience to guide his congregation through urban challenges at St. Aloysius Parish...

George Kennedy as Father Samuel Patrick Cavanaugh aka "Sarge"
Sallie Shockley as Valerie
Harold Sakata as Kenji Takichi

Main Cast

  • George Kennedy as Father Samuel Patrick Cavanaugh aka "Sarge"
  • Sallie Shockley as Valerie
  • Ramon Bieri as Lt. Barney Verick
  • Harold Sakata as Kenji Takichi

Opening and Closing Credits

Monday, 17 March 2025

1970, Car Spotting: Markt Maastricht Netherlands


Parked on the Market Place, front to back

First row, left to right
Unidentified car, Ford Taunus 12M Coupé (P4, Cardinal Taunus), Ford Taunus 17M (P3, Bathtub Taunus), Mercedes-Benz W111, Fiat 500.

Second row, left to right
Opel Kadett B, Vauxhall Viva HA, Opel Commodore Coupé A, Simca 1301/1501 Break, Volkswagen 1300 (Type 1, Beetle), Mercedes-Benz W111, Triumph Herald, Audi F103.

Third row, left to right
Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), Vauxhall Viva HA, Simca 1000 Coupé, DAF 44, Austin/Morris 1100/1300 (BMC ADO16), Renault R4, DAF 44, Ford Transit Mark I, unidentified car.

Fourth row, left to right
Peugeot 504, DAF 44, Opel Kadett B, Honda N360, Volvo 144, Volvo 142 or 144, DAF 33,  Ford Transit Mark I.

Fifth row, left to right
Citroën Dyane, Simca 1301/1501, Volkswagen 1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Simca 1301/1501 Break, Vauxhall Viva HB, unidentified car, Alfa Romeo 1750 Spider Veloce, Opel Kadett B, Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), unidentified van.

Crossing horizontally into the Nieuwstraat, left to right
Unidentified break probably Opel, unidentified white car, Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), BMW 1800/2000 (New Class Sedan), Opel Kadett B, Opel Rekord C.

Parked to the right of the town hall

First row, front to back
Fiat 850, Austin/Morris Mini, Volvo 121/122 (Amazon), Hillman Imp, Toyota Corona (T40), Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), the rest is unrecognisable.

Second row, front to back
Renault R4, BMW 1800/2000 (New Class Sedan), Fiat 850.

In front of “Doeleman” and “Het Haantje” to the end of the street

Parked, front to back
Opel Rekord C, Mercedes-Benz 220 (W111), Mercedes-Benz 220 (W111), Chevrolet Corvair (second generation), unidentified car, Simca 1100, Opel Kadett A Caravan, Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), Fiat 125.

Driving, front to back
Peugeot 404, Volkswagen Transporter T1 (Type 2), Citroën 2CV, Ford (Taunus) 12M or 15M (P6), Volkswagen 1200/1300 (Type 1, Beetle), Fiat 600.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

1969, Nobel Prizes (Oslo, Norway, 1969)

The Nobel Prize in Physics: Murray Gell-Mann (USA)

For his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions.

Murray Gell-Mann

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Derek Barton (UK) and Odd Hassel (Norway)

For their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry.

Derek Barton
Odd Hassel

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: Max Delbrück (USA), Alfred D. Hershey (USA) and Salvador E. Luria (USA)

For their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses.

Max Delbrück
Alfred D. Hershey
Salvador E. Luria

The Nobel Prize in Literature: Samuel Beckett (Ireland)

For his writing, which - in new forms for the novel and drama - in the destitution of modern man acquires its elevation.

Samuel Beckett

The Nobel Peace Prize: International Labour Organization (Switzerland)

For creating international legislation insuring certain norms for working conditions in every country.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands)

For having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.

Ragnar Frisch
Jan Tinbergen

Friday, 7 March 2025

1968, Belgian Comics: Piet Pienter en Bert Bibber, Hypnosepillen

In 1968 the 26th "Piet Pienter en Bert Bibber" album "Hypnosepillen" (translation: "Hypnosis pills") was published. The series "Piet Pienter en Bert Bibber" was created by Pom alias Jozef Van Hove in 1950.

Cover: Hypnosepillen

No 26 "Hypnosepillen"
- black and white
- publisher: De Vlijt
- never published in English
- story and drawings by Pom (Jozef Van Hove)
- pre-publication in "Gazet van Antwerpen"

Susan, Piet Pienter and Bert Bibber
Susan and Professor Kumulus

The comic was pre-published in the newspaper "Gazet van Antwerpen" from 22 juni 1968 to 21 October 1968. The main characters are Piet Pienter, Bert Bibber, Susan Darling, Professor Kumulus, Jakobus Slurf, Chief constable Knobbel, Theo Flitser, Dr. Hahn and Jakobus Slurf’s helper.

Piet Pienter, Chief constable Knobbel and Bert Bibber
Dr. Hahn

Susan asks Professor Kumulus to create a weight loss pill. However, the professor is busy making a pill to increase egg production in laying hens for biologist Dr. Hahn. The two types of pills get switched. Dr. Hahn's chickens lose weight, and Susan suddenly possesses hypnotic powers...

Theo Flitser and Jakobus Slurf
Jakobus Slurf and helper


  • Ford Taunus 17M/20M (P5)
  • Ford Zodiac Mark III (214E)
  • Ford FK 1000 / Taunus Transit
  • Ford Taunus 17M (P3, "Bathtub Taunus")
  • Ford Taunus 12M (P4, "Cardinal Taunus")
  • Ford Consul Mark II (204E)
  • Ford F800 (1958)
  • Ford (Taunus) 20M (P7a)

Ford Zodiac Mark III (214E)
Ford (Taunus) 20M (P7a)
Ford Taunus 17M/20M (P5)
Ford Taunus 17M (P3, "Bathtub Taunus")
Ford FK 1000 / Taunus Transit and Ford Taunus 12M (P4, "Cardinal Taunus")
Ford FK 1000 / Taunus Transit
Ford F800 (1958)
Ford Consul Mark II (204E)

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

1967, Car Spotting: Frieslandhal Fryslânplein Leeuwarden Netherlands

Front to back, left to right

First row
Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Opel Kadett (B), Škoda Octavia, Opel Kapitän (P1), Ford Taunus 12M (P4), unidentified car.

Second row
Opel Rekord (A), Ford Taunus 12M (P4), Opel Rekord (P2), Mercedes-Benz W120/W121, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Simca 1000, unidentified car.

Third row
Simca Aronde P60, Ford (Consul) Corsair, Opel (Olympia) Rekord (P1), Mercedes-Benz W110, Vauxhall Victor (FB), Mercury Comet (1963), Opel Rekord (A), Rambler Classic (1965), Ford (Consul) Cortina (Mark I).

Fourth row
Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Opel Rekord (P2), Volkswagen 1500/1600 Saloon (Type 3), Peugeot 404, Volvo PV444 or PV544, Opel Rekord Coupé (A), Renault 4, DAF Daffodil or 33, unidentified car, Opel Kapitän (1956), Vauxhall Viva HB.

Fifth row
Ford (Consul) Cortina (Mark I), Fiat 1100, Opel Rekord (A), Opel (Olympia) Rekord (P1), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Ford Taunus 12M (P4), Fiat 1500L/1800/2100, Ford Taunus 17M/20M (P5), Peugeot 403, Volvo PV444 or PV544, Fiat 1500L/1800/2100, Opel Rekord (A), Opel (Olympia) Rekord (P1), Renault 10, Ford Taunus 17 M (P2, Baroque Taunus or Flying carpet).

Sixth row
Unidentified car, Volkswagen 1500/1600 Saloon (Type 3), Opel Rekord (A), Borgward Isabella, Opel Kadett (B), Mercedes-Benz W120/W121, unidentified car, unidentified car, Opel (Olympia) Rekord (P1), Volkswagen Transporter T1 (Type 2), unidentified car, Renault 4, unidentified car, unidentified car, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), unidentified car, unidentified car.

Seventh row
Borgward Isabella, Renault 4, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Renault 16, BMW 1500/1600/1800/2000 (New Class), Simca 1300/1500, Ford (Taunus) 12M (P6), Fiat 600, Volkswagen 1500/1600 Saloon (Type 3), Opel Rekord (A), Mercedes-Benz W110, unidentified car, Opel Rekord (C), Opel Rekord (B), Peugeot 404, Ford Taunus 17M/20M (P5), Opel Kadett (A),  Vauxhall Viva HA, Renault 8, Volkswagen 1500/1600 Saloon (Type 3), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle).

Eighth row
Unidentified car, unidentified car, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Opel (Olympia) Rekord (P1), Ford Taunus 17M (P3, Bathtub Taunus), Opel Rekord (A), unidentified car, Peugeot 404, unidentified American car, Ford (Taunus) 12M (P6), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), 10 unidentifiable cars, Ford Taunus 12M (P4), Mercedes-Benz W110, 2  unidentifiable cars.

Ninth row
Unidentified car, Simca Vedette, Ford (Taunus) 12M (P6), Ford (Consul) Cortina (Mark I), Volvo PV444 or PV544, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Peugeot 404, Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Vauxhall Victor FC, Ford Taunus 17M/20M (P5), Morris Minor 1000, Fiat 600, BMW 1500/1600/1800/2000 (New Class), Mercedes-Benz W110, Ford Taunus 17M (P3, Bathtub Taunus), Vauxhall Victor FC, unidentified car, Opel Rekord (C), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), BMW 1500/1600/1800/2000 (New Class), Volkswagen 1100/1200 (Type 1, Beetle), Citroën ID/DS.

The rest is very vague.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

1966, Music: Belgian Single Charts 09/04/1966

N° 20
Chris Andrews – To Whom It Concerns

- Country: UK
- Music/Lyrics: Chris Andrews
- Highest Position: N° 4
- Weeks in the charts: 13
- Video clip

N° 19
Ferre Grignard – Ring, Ring, I've Got To Sing

- Country: Belgium
- Music/Lyrics: Ferre Grignard
- Highest Position: N° 10
- Weeks in the charts: 8
- Video clip

N° 18
Marino Falco – Je n'ai plus mon papa

- Country: Belgium
- Music/Lyrics: Ke Riema, Marino Falco
- Highest Position: N° 17
- Weeks in the charts: 5
- Video clip

N° 17
Hervé Vilard – Mourir ou vivre

- Country: France
- Music/Lyrics: Danyel Gérard, Ralph Bernet
- Highest Position: N° 2
- Weeks in the charts: 17
- Video clip

N° 16
Simon & Garfunkel – The Sounds Of Silence

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Paul Simon
- Highest Position: N° 11
- Weeks in the charts: 7
- Video clip

N° 15
Petula Clark – My Love

- Country: UK
- Music/Lyrics: Tony Hatch
- Highest Position: N° 14
- Weeks in the charts: 10
- Video clip

N° 14
Sonny & Cher – Sing c'est la vie

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Sonny Bono, Charles Greene, Brian Stone
- Highest Position: N° 1
- Weeks in the charts: 24
- Video clip

N° 13
Sonny & Cher – What Now My Love

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Pierre Delanoë, Gilbert Bécaud, Carl Sigman
- Highest Position: N° 10
- Weeks in the charts: 6
- Video clip

N° 12
Roy Orbison – Breakin' Up Is Breakin' My Heart

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Roy Orbison, Bill Dees
- Highest Position: N° 9
- Weeks in the charts: 7
- Video clip

N° 11
Roy Black – Ganz in Weiss

- Country: West Germany
- Music/Lyrics: Kurt Hertha, Rolf Arland
- Highest Position: N° 10
- Weeks in the charts: 11
- Video clip

N° 10
Mireille Mathieu – Mon crédo

- Country: France
- Music/Lyrics: Paul Mauriat, André Pascal
- Highest Position: N° 8
- Weeks in the charts: 11
- Video clip

N° 9
The Beatles – Michelle

- Country: UK
- Music/Lyrics: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
- Highest Position: N° 1
- Weeks in the charts: 11
- Video clip

N° 8
The Rolling Stones – As Tears Go By

- Country: UK
- Music/Lyrics: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards
- Highest Position: N° 7
- Weeks in the charts: 8
- Video clip

N° 7
Will Tura – Heimwee naar huis

- Country: Belgium
- Music/Lyrics: Will Tura, van Aleda, Nelly Byl
- Highest Position: N° 4
- Weeks in the charts: 22
- Video clip

N° 6
Adamo – Une mèche de cheveux

- Country: Belgium
- Music/Lyrics: Salvatore Adamo
- Highest Position: N° 4
- Weeks in the charts: 14
- Video clip

N° 5
Bert Kaempfert And His Orchestra – Moon Over Naples

- Country: West Germany
- Music/Lyrics: Carl Ulrich Blecher, Bert Kaempfert, Eddie Snyder, Charles Singleton
- Highest Position: N° 4
- Weeks in the charts: 20
- Video clip

N° 4
Al Martino – Spanish Eyes

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Bert Kaempfert, Eddie Snyder, Charles Singleton
- Highest Position: N° 1
- Weeks in the charts: 17
- Video clip

N° 3
Udo Jürgens – Merci Cherie

- Country: Austria
- Music/Lyrics: Udo Jürgens, Thomas Hörbiger
- Highest Position: N° 2
- Weeks in the charts: 13
- Video clip

N° 2
Claudia Sylva – Je te donne mon cœur

- Country: Belgium
- Music/Lyrics: Hector Delfosse, Claudia Sylva
- Highest Position: N° 2
- Weeks in the charts: 17
- Video clip

N° 1
Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

- Country: USA
- Music/Lyrics: Lee Hazlewood
- Highest Position: N° 1
- Weeks in the charts: 16
- Video clip